Friday, August 21, 2009

p-ray u-ntil s-omthing h-appens

push other wise know as pray until somthing happens was first brought to me by my best friend darriee love........i love this term because without it i dont know where i would be in life and this is going to be my motto until i die.......growing up i awaste said to myself there is no god and that i was gonna go to hell......but as i started to mature and grow up and start to go to church on my own i realized god is with you when every you need much has happened to me in my life........and so much is gonna keep happining.......the world now adays is changing.....murders ...kidnappings......rappest....even mollester are becoming commoly know its time for it to be a change........ it may not be happining to you but all around the world things like this is going on.......and all those kids can do is pray and keep praying.........when i was 13 years old i lost my little brother allerric.....he was 12 years old......after that life was basically no point in living(or so i thought)i even gave up on god........but then on night i had a dream and in that dream i saw allerric standing on clouds saying i may be gone but im not forgotten.....thats where we ended up getting the them for his funeral.......people come up to everyday and say how can you keep going on in life as thought nothing has changed......i say i pray.........and i keep pray because somtimes you may give up on god but he wont give up on you......HES for my genneration of teens growing up feeling as though there is no poing for thought you cant do it.......all i can say is you have to strive for the best until it is your time to go....because when god calls for and believe he will take you.........when your hurting.. pray........when your down....pray......when you have no where to go.......pray......then call me.....cause as they say when one door closes another one opens........dont live for others live for yourself............p-ray u-ntil s-omthing h-appens

1 comment:

  1. i come across random blogs sometimes and i think hmm why am i here and then right at the end God shows me and it was this post right here that was definitely inspiring...and to be so young and have grasped the concept of prayer is amazing...I pray God gives you strength to endure and to continue to let your light shine so that others may see. Grace and Peace be unto you. God Bless.

